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What's Trending in the ER
#FirstRespondersFirst and Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation Join Forces to Launch New Interactive Community and Fund in Support of Healthcare Workers’ Well-Being with an initial $1,000,000 in grant funding
A Tribute to Dr. Lorna Breen
ACEP Applauds Introduction of Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act
ACEP Applauds the Passage of Legislation to Protect Frontline Worker Mental Health
ACEP Mourns Loss of NY Physician, Dr. Lorna Breen
Admitting Burnout: Let’s Eradicate the Stigma
Against backdrop of a mental health care shortage, emergency room doctors are overwhelmed
As Stress during the Pandemic Grows, Nearly Half of Nation’s Emergency Physicians Uncomfortable Seeking Mental Health Care
Children in Need of Psychiatric Care End Up Waiting in ER for Days
Emergency Physician Organizations Recognize National Physician Suicide Awareness Day
Emergency Physicians Help Identify and Reduce Suicide Risks
Emergency Physicians Recognize National Physician Suicide Awareness Day
Emergency Physicians Urge Everyone to Recognize Warning Signs of Suicide and Know How to Help
Emergency Physicians Welcome Reintroduction of Bill to Protect Frontline Workers’ Mental Health
Emergency Physicians, Emergency Nurses, and Pediatricians Call for Strategies to Improve Care for Children, Adolescents Seeking Urgent Help for Mental, Behavioral Health Concerns
Emergency Physicians: Spotting the Warning Signs of Suicide Can Save a Life
Encuesta: El estigma en su lugar de trabajo, y el miedo a las consecuencias profesionales previenen que los médicos de emergencia busquen cuidados de su salud mental
Firearms: A Public Health Crisis
Five Questions About Delirium
Five Questions with Dr. Juan Fitz
Harming health care workers
Leading Suicide Prevention Organization Partners with American College of Emergency Physicians
Media Advisory: New Poll: Barriers, Stigma Prevent Frontline Physicians from Seeking Mental Health Treatment During Pandemic
Mental Health and Emergency Medical Experts Encourage Support for Clinicians Health During Pandemic
National Award Presented to Emergency Physicians for Innovative Work in Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Award Given for Lifesaving Work in Emergency Departments
Overflowing demand for mental health care stretching hospitals, new data show
Psychiatric Emergency Patients in Massachusetts Wait Longest for Hospital Beds
Recognize the Signs of Suicide Risk
When a Loved One Has Dementia
Why Do I Stay?