
Federal Advocacy

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) advances emergency care on behalf of its 40,000 emergency physician members, and the more than 150 million people they treat on an annual basis.

ACEP is an active force in Washington, D.C., working on important issues that affect emergency physicians and their patients. ACEP's federal advocacy efforts revolve around one thing: ensuring that life-saving emergency care is there when you need it. Through its grassroots network of emergency physicians and the National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee, ACEP represents the largest, and most influential voice for emergency medicine.

In the year ahead, ACEP’s legislative priorities include but are not limited to: 

In addition to efforts on Capitol Hill, emergency physicians advocate to reduce burdensome administrative requirements that impact the ability for patients to receive the care they need. We also work to improve federal reimbursement and eliminate unfair billing practices that potentially violate federal laws or regulations such as EMTALA or the prudent layperson standard

Read more about Advocacy

ACEP Advocacy